It’s the first day of school holidays in Victoria (and I think Queensland). Some other states work off a different timetable, so they’ll be starting soon.
I’m quite tired, and have been looking forward to a little ‘down’ time just as much as the children. In order to make the most out of the holidays, we sat down to plan out our weekdays. I set them a task to come up with a word or action they would like to achieve on a particular day. They loved it! It’s also my attempt to circle back on those family goals we set together at the start of the year, which I haven’t forgotten about.
I’ve put it together below. Follow along if you like – I’m going to keep as close to the day order as possible, but as the weather is going to be questionable this week, any outdoor stuff might need changing around. If I post anything to social media I’ll use the hashtag #miscmumhols