- I’ve just logged on (well, an hour ago – it takes me that long to read all my blogs and bloggging paraphernalia) to see I’ve been StumbleUpon-ed again to the article I referred to yesterday. I don’t know which person(s) did this, but again, thanks!
- I’ll only be around here briefly this weekend as I’ve set myself the goal of editing the family history manuscript, and I printed it out yesterday and it’s going to be more work that I first thought!
- Most Important: I’ve neglected to tell anyone this, but for the past eight nights or so, we’ve had almost complete, total, blissful sleep. We’ve solved Riley’s sleep issues! This entailed us having to hire a ‘sleep consultant’ who came into our home for a night. I can’t/won’t go into too much detail here, because I’m to write about it for a magazine, but since then I can’t help but regard my son as having graduated from being a ‘baby’ to a full-blown ‘toddler’. It’s both touching and emotionally annihilating. My kids are ready to ‘move on’, but am I?