
I bought this jumble of circuits off Zazz the other week. (Zazz being one of Adam’s most beloved websites of all time). As I’ve said here before, I do wish to pick up playing the piano one day; but buying a piano in this small house we live in would mean jettisoning one of our children out into the garage to live. Which mightn’t be a bad thing, for them, until the possums decide to hiss at them to say, “Step off our territory, punks!” Then it well-and-truly would be ‘on’ for one and all, and frankly I’m too tired for a war at the moment.

So – back to now. I bought a keyboard.

A slightly defunct keyboard, with an F-key already sounding garbled (no thanks to my daughter who believe she can play as well – if not better – with her feet.)

Do I sound slightly disappointed? Indeed, yes. Not that it’s the keyboard’s fault – entirely. It can’t help that it will play one chord perfectly well, but two? One in the bass and one in the treble? No:

 Fark off! It says. What do you think I am? More to the point – who do YOU think you are? Bloomin’ Mozart?

 I might practice scales on it, but that’s about as far as it will take me. Alas.

Thanks to you all who left messages of support yesterday. Thanks so much! I go back to the ENT today for results. Cross fingers!

karen andrews

Karen Andrews is the creator of this website, one of the most established and well-respected parenting blogs in the country. She is also an author, award-winning writer, poet, editor and publisher at Miscellaneous Press. Her latest book is Trust the Process: 101 Tips on Writing and Creativity