…but don’t worry, not too much.

My appointment with the ENT went for four minutes and 21 seconds (give or take a second).


I have a little bit of Meniere’s. Apparently, in one of my big attacks of the past, it did slightly affect the hearing in my left ear, but nothing drastic at all. It is so slight I do not even need to take any preventative medication (yay!). I only take what I usually do when I get sick.

Preventative measures?

  • No alcohol (no problems there!)
  • Low salt diet (okay)
  • Low sugar diet (hmm……)
  • No, or very little, caffeine (nooooooooo!)

What made me laugh was this: “The biggest trigger is stress; so when you feel an episode coming on, just take to your bed. Give yourself permission to take the day off work and just relax.”

Uh – HELLO?! “Take a day off?” With two little kids? And no family nearby? And a husband who works in the city, an hour away?

I feel like tossing that in a hessian bag, taking it along to a hardware store, setting up a stall outside, and shout to the masses: “Roll up! Roll up! Come get your pure-grade s**t, here! Going fast! It makes great fertiliser!”

So, there you go. Hopefully I won’t need to talk about this again for a very long time, because I am totally sick of it, so no doubt you are too!

karen andrews

Karen Andrews is the creator of this website, one of the most established and well-respected parenting blogs in the country. She is also an author, award-winning writer, poet, editor and publisher at Miscellaneous Press. Her latest book is Trust the Process: 101 Tips on Writing and Creativity