As I’ve mentioned elsewhere I firmly believe that the power of change for social, cultural or political good lies further within the individual’s reach than we usually reckon or are told is possible. Call me an optimist if you will, but I just keep on imagining all the collective ‘drops in the bucket’ that we, as citizens, could and do make everyday.


This is why I have chosen to donate a portion of my profits for 2008 to Berry Street Victoria. Yes the ostensible purpose of this blog is to make money; but as I have an obscene amount of fun around here it only seems fair to give a little of it back, to people who have quite a lot less fun in their regular lives.

The other day I had the great pleasure of sitting down with Peter Edwards, Director of Community Relations of Berry Street.

While working for BHP Billiton and during the time he was based in the Asian region, Peter began to help Future Hope, a charity set up to help street kids in Calcutta. Through his work he had the good fortune and honour to meet Mother Teresa not once but twice.

After his return to Australia he worked for the Smith Family, and now Berry Street, and has seen first-hand the good it does for underprivileged, unlucky and sometimes completely bereft children.

In 2007 Berry Street celebrated 130 years of helping the community. It is now the largest independent child welfare organisation in Victoria. Their message is simple:


Social Workers work with families to help nurture and care for their children and in times of crisis they provide Foster Care and Support.

Berry Street does receive government funding, but this funding, so says Peter, goes towards ‘day-to-day’ administration. Extra funding and donations supplied by the public go towards developing extra-curricular activities, to provide children with as many positive experiences as possible in their often fraught and stressed lives. As we move through the year I will occasionally post about these various programs and excursions, because what I end up giving will most likely go towards these.

And that would be wonderful.

If you would like any extra information please go to Berry Street Victoria

One final note: I never normally solicit my posts to be submitted to any sort of social media. When they are I am always, always pleased, proud and touched. However this one time, I would ask – please – if you could add this to Stumble! (or any other kind you use) just to see how far this news can travel. I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

karen andrews

Karen Andrews is the creator of this website, one of the most established and well-respected parenting blogs in the country. She is also an author, award-winning writer, poet, editor and publisher at Miscellaneous Press. Her latest book is Trust the Process: 101 Tips on Writing and Creativity