Leanne gave me this award during the week and her reasoning was, “I’m going to pass this on to the bloggers who make me feel more worldly for knowing them.” I’m touched that my Down-Underish-ness makes you feel that way Leanne, although I’m not sure I’m more ‘worldly’ than the next person!
Now I guess I have to tag some people. Here goes!
Richard, and old friend from university days, is currently living in Japan and takes great photos to boot. Not that he needs the linky-love, though, as his blog is popular enough as it is (or so he tells me *wink*)
I’m currently enjoying Guera’s travels.
Redneckmommy’s descriptions of Canadian winters make me shiver just reading them!
Babyamore (Trish) awarded me this Excellent award this week. Thanks so much! Now I will be good again and pass this along to:
SlouchingMom because she probably doesn’t think I read her (but I do!)
Penni because I love her writing and I keep seeing her name pop up these days on blogs and as facilitator in upcoming local writer’s centre courses. On top of the books to come out! Busy busy girl!
Lani because all her blogs are good and I don’t know how she fits everything in!
and CrazyTrace because she is an undiscovered Aussie blog gem, even if she won’t admit it.
Yesterday, I was admiring the recent photo Schmutzie took of a pink cupcake and said as much to her. Then, to my delight, she comes and emails me the photo, saying I could use it as my desktop wallpaper and I am pleased to say I am! Thanks Schmutzie Makes my picture of chocolate-covered biscuits look positively amateur (which it is, sad to say!)
I forgot I was supposed to link back to Lightening’s Pay it Forward post with my own sort of Pay it Forward post. Sorry about that; I think this qualifies, wouldn’t you say?