I may still cough like a consumptive when the cold wind hits my chest – something which happens quite frequently in this draughty house – but on most other health fronts I am finally on the improve. Enough to carry one child on my hip and have the other glued to my free hand as we circumnavigated Chadstone shopping centre yesterday. By the end of it, I was tired, they were tired and cranky (in fact, I could hear Riley’s screaming from clear across the joint at the one point my husband tried to take him off me for a break), and I began to question why we’d bothered venturing out in first place.

On the bright side, I bought a new moleskine 18 month diary for the period July 08 – December 09. An idea so brilliant I cannot even say (not of me buying it, I should add. The idea of having it start mid-year). I also bought a pair of RMK tan leather pumps at $40 off RRP. I would’ve taken a shot of both to post up here, but we discovered the other day that our camera is broken; you turn it on and the shutter irrevocably jams. It is less than two years old, which vexes me, but on the other hand it was a disappointing buy as it was Canon match-up to a Kodak competitor model and was never as good as the other (IMO).

So, a new week, lot’s to do. Here’s hoping we all have a good one.

karen andrews

Karen Andrews is the creator of this website, one of the most established and well-respected parenting blogs in the country. She is also an author, award-winning writer, poet, editor and publisher at Miscellaneous Press. Her latest book is Trust the Process: 101 Tips on Writing and Creativity