Well, it’s Day #1 of NaBloPoMo, which means it’s November and my blogging workshop is just around the corner. It also means I’m trying to get my thoughts together on the subjects of writing and blogging. This is hard because I have no real fixed philosophy on either, as yet.
I believe both spring from an unpredictable, yet fundamentally certain hunch which believes we all have powerful stories to tell. Some of us need help in improving how we tell our stories; others have obvious storytelling talents, or unique styles, or compelling voices that flash like neon, to take our eyeballs hostage until we finish every last letter.
For example, here are my two favourite posts from the previous week or two: Tracey and Sarah. Each, for their own reasons, grabbed me until the end.
What are your favourite blog posts? Why? Even if you can’t remember the specific month or person who wrote it, leave me the drift of the post in my comments. I’d really like to know. Even if it’s, “You know, a couple of years ago someone wrote about their dog having passed away and I cried for hours after.” It’s all interesting.
Because that is the power of language.