My poem ‘At the Park’ has been published over at Verity La. Some of you may remember it won an award last year, and now those of you who’ve been wanting a read – can! If you have any questions, the last link talks a fair bit about the writing process, but if there any others let me know.
NaNoWriMo begins today – are you doing it? Friend me if you are: I’m (somewhat unimaginatively) called miscmum. What are you writing? I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ll be wanting to write posts to schedule for while I’m away next month (well, hopefully); finish the novel re-write (oh, that amuses me); draft some more poems (more likely); learn to write without relying on parentheses (BUT WHERE’S THE FUN IN THAT?)
My mother and aunt are arriving later today to stay for the week. I’ve been looking forward to it immensely but it has meant that over the weekend Adam and I have looked at each other wondering, Is the house clean? Do we have enough toilet paper? And please, please, let the cat behave.
I’m especially looking forward to going to the Melbourne Cup tomorrow. My first! I believe my ticket allows us into an area that is covered and with seating. In other words: fancy. Very exciting!