… are when browsing the small, but respectable, selection of YA titles at the public library, you see The Princess Bride and think to yourself, ‘I’ve always been meaning to read that’. You pull it down, borrow it, and then are rewarded for your choice with passages such as this:

“…do you know the most important six words in the last thirty years in World Culture? I’ll tell you what they are. Peter Benchley came up with them when he was walking along a beach and the words were these: “What if the shark got territorial?” Because out of that came the novel Jaws, and then the movie Jaws, and nothing’s really been the same since.”

And, you know, Goldman’s point is hard to argue with.

karen andrews

Karen Andrews is the creator of this website, one of the most established and well-respected parenting blogs in the country. She is also an author, award-winning writer, poet, editor and publisher at Miscellaneous Press. Her latest book is Trust the Process: 101 Tips on Writing and Creativity