Yesterday saw Keira and I rise and drive two-and-a-half hours to regional Victoria so she could participate in her first Gymnastics tournament and I could sit on a wooden bench for three hours only to turn around and drive another two-and-a-half hours home again so we could go to a friend’s 40th birthday party.
Sounds like a long day? Wait, I’m just getting started.
First, I need to brag about my daughter. She did very well, got a perfect ’10’ in the dance, and the beam was one of her better apparatuses. This is the girl who, during that difficult, anxious, year when she was four, refused to even get up on the beam. When she skipped off the end and did her swan-inspired flick of the wrists to the judge, dammit I got something in my eye.
That said, I knew something was off when I kept catching her yawning. Like, every few minutes. At about the halfway point, she began complaining to her coach that she was cold, so cold. Then she was asleep within minutes as we began the drive home.
You can see where I’m heading…
At the party, she sat on either my lap, or a friend’s, before a vomit in the toilets prompted our hasty adieus.
Once the kids were in bed, Adam went out for a cards night with his mates. His arrival home at 2am, to witness my sipping of a Berocca and the beginnings of my own, ‘Oh, I don’t feel well either’ brings us up to now, pretty much.
Here I am, with a hacking cough, and a heat pack over my legs. I’ll sign off soon because I tend to be a little loose with my writing when I’m sick. It’s like my Id senses that it is potentially time to party and so smashes its way through the giant paper-bunting that is my ego and supergo onto the football field of reality-perception and does a goblin dance of revelry.
(Is that overstating it? Perhaps – I cannot recognise hyperbole when I’m sick ;))
Anyway! Father’s Day. Yes. Adam is nursing a sore head.
Me: How many beers did you have.
Him: Three.
Me: So why the hangover?
Him: I didn’t mention the whiskies.
Me: Why not?
Him: Because you only asked about beer.
My current view, I kid you not. RELEVANCY – I HAZ IT.