I’ll do a proper Christmas post soon (‘proper’ meaning ‘PRESENTS, PRESENTS, PRESENTS’), but I’ll start the day’s recap with what happened right at the end of yesterday afternoon. For anyone who’s not heard, Melbourne had tremendous storms yesterday; our patch of the city copped bad hail.
Observe! This is a view of our back deck before the storm got really bad:
Here are the kids. Riley wore that same excited expression for hours afterwards.
We have friends and neighbours who experienced damage; we were lucky to escape with just a smashed sensor light over our garage and a garden stripped of foilage. We had gutter guards professionally installed several years ago and Adam and I believe that investment saved us a lot of trouble.
Back with more later! Boxing Day, for me, is the day where I officially start to try and ‘dry-out’ after the parties and festivities. I might even go for a run.