Red Dwarf fans might get this

There IS such a thing as chicken marengo! I didn’t know!

On the other hand, Adam’s bestowed upon me his best withering look of dismay when I shoved this recipe under his nose. “You’re joking.”

“What? I didn’t know it was a thing.”

“A ‘thing’? What else would it be?”

“I thought marengo was a made-up word.”

 Insert another withering look.

{For those of you who are slightly confused, in Red Dwarf there is a character named Cat who says, ‘Too slow, chicken marengo’. It’s been a quote I’ve been using since I was a teenager. Even the kids use it. We consider it one of our finer parenting accomplishments.}

{I even went to YouTube to find a video of Cat saying the line, but our internet is playing up, and I gave up after a while because it was loading too slow. What I did find was a bunch of chicken marengo recipes/tutorials, which goes to show: if in doubt, go to YouTube. It might make you feel dumb at times, but at least you get results.}

{It dates back to Napoleon, apparently. That’s cool.}

{Okay, I’m stopping now.}



karen andrews

Karen Andrews is the creator of this website, one of the most established and well-respected parenting blogs in the country. She is also an author, award-winning writer, poet, editor and publisher at Miscellaneous Press. Her latest book is Trust the Process: 101 Tips on Writing and Creativity