The Joker’s obsession (at least in the 1989 Batman film) with creating/curating, such as you see in the scene above, resonates with me at a time when I have not had the time to do anything similar, such is the nature of blogging in certain respects. He is interested in a specific kind of aesthetic – as are we, aren’t we, when we bookmark, save, email to ourselves, pin to Pinterest, share on our Facebook walls and other various channels? These things we like (or do not like), then serve as a outward documentation of our taste – and a means to populate our news feeds.
And if you’re following the right kind of people, this sharing of experience can be lovely to be a part of; if not, it can be tedious and boring.
I’m pretty certain this is why, leaving aside the distracting elements that could also be mentioned, some people quit this sphere while undertaking creative projects, allowing themselves that freedom of mental energy into something that gets finished and moreover (hopefully) successful. I certainly understand that. In fact, I’m envious. It takes great resolve to leave, even if only for a little while and I don’t know if I have that in me. I’m too compulsive, which is why I’m not a naturally strategic person. I’ve always felt that being too single-minded would come at the expense of that part of my brain where ideas are born from.
This is what I’ve thought up until now. I suspect it’s bullshit, an excuse like many others I’ve made over the years. Worrying about spreadsheets or some SMART goal I’ve set myself needn’t interfere with part of me that free-associates while daydreaming. I need to stop the either/or mindset.
Maybe I just need to grow up a little.
Do you ever feel like this?