Oh, how I wish I was frolicking around in sun-drenched fields at the moment, as opposed to shivering through an Antarctic Vortex! Never mind, we push on regardless, don’t we?
All the more reason to celebrate the good things going on this week.
- I went to the optometrist a month or so ago after experiencing some pretty intense eye strain while I was frantically trying to finish writing my novel manuscript. He took a look at them and thought they were borderline between needing help and just giving them a bit of a rest (i.e stop looking at the computer monitor all day). In a 3-week trial, I was to wear the below glasses to see if they made any difference. Well, they didn’t – although my eyes improved during the school holidays while I was chasing the kids around and off the computer. Ah ha! Ding ding. I think we have an answer. So the glasses went back (at least for a little while longer).

- If you want to spark some heated dinner conversation, may I offer this post of io9’s that ranks the top 105 superhero movies to date. Marvel vs DC Comics vs Other Notables etc. I roughly agree with the top 20, although I’d tinker with the rankings a little and knock Iron Man 3 out of there completely.
- One of my favourite writers, Jeanette Winterson, wrote a piece about fasting for The Guardian. With the rise of the 5:2 diet, many of my friends have tried this way of eating and have remarked upon its success. While I haven’t gone down that path myself – I’ve seen a general recommendation that people with eating disorder histories should really think hard about undertaking a similar regime, and fair enough – I am curious to one day perhaps try.
- I’ve been under the weather with a chest lurgy and have spent a bit of time in bed – a perfect opportunity to acquaint myself with popular Netflix show Grace and Frankie (although the alphabetical part of my brain keeps calling it Frankie and Grace). I know it has a lot of fans, and I’m quite enjoying it, although episode quality can sometimes be a bit spotty. Lily Tomlin is so good and Jane Fonda is just incredible – I hope I look half that good at her age!
- It’s been a big week for teasers and trailers and in case you missed them…
The official season 6 trailer for The Walking Dead from Comic Con.
The season 1 trailer for Fear the Walking Dead, also from Comic Con. THIS ONE LOOKS GOOD.
And this one is to bookmark for Keira, although also for the rest of us secret and not-so-secret Harry Potter fans, here’s the cast talking about their favourite lines from the movies.
What are you celebrating this week? Have a happy weekend x