We arrived home last night to the sight of condolence flowers wilting in the kitchen; the fish, the fate of which we hurriedly left in the trust of an automatic feeder, is happily still alive. It was the first time I’ve ever left the suitcase unpacking because I went straight to bed. I’ve picked up a nasty bug off Adam, who picked it up towards the end of our trip in New Zealand. That’s where we’ve been.
The past few weeks have been such a blur of different places and roads (not to mention countries!) that I woke up last night genuinely uncertain as to where I was. That could, in part, be blamed on the fever.
In sum: I can’t wait to write about our amazing NZ adventures. I hope to begin posting them (fingers crossed) next week.
Before I do go, I realise this has been a bit of a nothing post, so I would like to re-direct you to a piece I had published during my time away about a part of my creative practice, a project many of you will be familiar with – my #miscpoetry cards. It’s over at The Wheeler Centre blog and called ‘Ephemeral Art in Suburbia‘. I’d love your thoughts.