Every year I pick a charity and pledge to donate to it a percentage of the profits I earn on this blog (here is the original explanation why). This year, I could not choose between two that are very close to my heart.
Without further ado, here they are:
Back in October, my father was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease (also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease in the US) and I’ve made no secret here that the changes that have occurred to his health over the past few months have been dramatic and worrying. MND Australia “is the national peak body for MND in Australia. The MND Australia network comprises of six state Associations, representing all states and territories, and the MND Research Institute of Australia (MNDRIA)…The MND Australia website provides information on MND and national and international activities. It also provides vital links to latest research and to the State MND Associations in Australia who provide support and services to people living with MND and their families.” [Source]
“Aspect provides information, education and other services through partnerships with people with autism spectrum disorders, their families and communities.”[Source]
Autism touches so many families. It touches mine.
This year I will be inviting people who have been helped by either of the above groups to tell their story here: to educate others, to offer comfort or solidarity, or salute their efforts.
If you’re interested, please contact me.
Thank you.