My head has been full this week with the tragedy of the bushfires. I know, I think we’ve all reached saturation point now; how many more horror stories can we bear? Will this happen again?

On Tuesday I went up to one of the major relief centres that is just up the road to see what I could do. Turned out most of the people in my area – it seemed – had the same idea. The car park was full. The SES workers were all directing us to places where we could park. Unfortunately, once I walked inside, once the volunteer desk saw my children standing next to me, they shook their heads and said sadly, “You’ll need to be here solo. You can’t help and be responsible for them at the same time.” I left a little disappointed, although I did check later in the day online to discover that by then they were turning away volunteers.

So we’ve donated money to the Red Cross, we will watch the benefit on TV tonight, I’ll definitely donate blood next time they’re in my suburb, and I hope to get some time to go up to the relief centre again on the weekend to do something to help.


And now may I offer some temporary distraction?



The purpose of posting this is to show how my writing space has changed.

This is what it used to look like:


{A million years ago}

Well, ta-da! Behold our new walk-in-robe:

After clothes

We had a proper writing desk included in the corner. On the empty shelves above will go all my business (‘Miscellaneous Press/ Miscellaneous Mum’) files, and my writing files. In the box under the desk are copies of Surprise! for my Internet sales and personal use.

And all of those drawers offer my son so many more tempting places to shove and hide our poor kitteh, whose eyes spontaneously dilate whenever he walks into the room. Already. It’s only been five days.

karen andrews

Karen Andrews is the creator of this website, one of the most established and well-respected parenting blogs in the country. She is also an author, award-winning writer, poet, editor and publisher at Miscellaneous Press. Her latest book is Trust the Process: 101 Tips on Writing and Creativity