It’s that time of the year again. Writers are getting ready to sit down at their computers to smash out a novel, or as close to a novel as possible, over the 30 days of November. I’ve tried, and failed, NaNoWriMo many times.
However, my success rate is better when I relax a bit and experiment and play. Writing exercises, to many, can be a dull prospect. For others they can provide just enough of a framework to allow creativity to bubble up. I (generally) fall in to the latter category.
So I thought I’d put together some prompts for NaNoWriMo. As you can see, they’re broken down into 10 day blocks. How you choose to use or interpret them is completely up to you. Caption a photograph, publish a pithy tweet, blog it, write a ‘6 word story’ or a ’25 word memoir’… there’s so many. Make up something! Of course, keep your scribblings completely offline if you prefer (yes, people still do that! ). But if you join in, even if it’s just for one day, do let me know I’d love to offer encouragement!
I will follow the prompts as they appear below: expressions, places, situations. Depending on how I go, I think I’ll either blog my responses or do put something up on Facebook (Twitter if it’s super short). I’ll use the hashtag #nanowrimoprompt
What do you think? You up for it? C’mon!