1. Studying
Yes, really. I have always been a fan of learning, making progress, discovering something about the world I mightn’t otherwise have discovered. It fires up my brain: just like other muscles, when used, it becomes more efficient and responsive. I took advantage of this and started writing notes for my next picture book.
I’ll be glad when the course is finished, though. I’m 90% there and will hand it in by the end of the week.
2. Clear blue winter skies
3. Going to see Jessica Watson
This was my treat for the kids. Riley has a ‘thing’ for Jessica. Every time she is on the television we have this conversation:
“That’s she [sic] who went all around the world by herself!”
“Why would she do that?”
There were so many children there, and you couldn’t have had a more enthusiastic host than Kirsty Murray. I loved how she took questions from everyone, and the children had some delightful curiosities. One little boy asked, “If you had your time over again, would you change anything about your trip?” Jessica answered, “I’d take more tomato sauce and Pringles.” Everyone laughed.
Oh, Jessica. You had Riley at tomato sauce.
4. School Projects
Keira is to do a presentation on pets this week in class and she spent a good time on the weekend either pestering me to loan her the iphone to take pictures or chasing the cat with the iphone in order to get a shot. It didn’t matter that I said we already had dozens of photos on file to use. So we’ve ended up with lots of shots of the cat in various stages of grumpiness. Or her butt. It was funny to watch.
5. Spontaneous Food Delivery Service
Adam took the kids out Saturday morning so I could work. At about lunchtime I started thinking to myself, “I’m getting hungry”. Literally, at that moment, I heard a knock at the door. They’d returned home – with McDonalds for me. Awesome.
What made you happy over the weekend?