13 things I have done today

  1. Fought with Keira
  2. Fought with Riley
  3. Laid out two very reasonable uniform options for Keira to choose from
  4. Protested at her rejection of both of these
  5. Gone into a bathroom, shut the door, and sworn profusely
  6. The first school drop off
  7. Reminded Riley five times he’s not allowed to play Monopoly today because he did not eat his dinner last night
  8. Reminded Riley what I served for dinner last night
  9. Reminded Riley I am not lying
  10. Begged Riley to eat some lunch
  11. Reminded him that milk did not constitute my idea of lunch
  12. High-fived myself when he ate a sandwich
  13. A second school drop off

11 things I should be doing

  1. Sweeping
  2. Mopping
  3. Reading the agenda for next week’s preschool committee meeting
  4. Be investigating what I said I would in advance of said meeting
  5. Hanging out washing (damn, I forgot about that…)
  6. Ironing
  7. Washing up
  8. Thinking about what to cook for dinner
  9. Changing the kitty litter
  10. Have a peek about for said cat – she hasn’t surfaced in hours
  11. Investigate a mysterious hole that has appeared in our vegetable garden and I suspect may be housing critters of some kind (oh. the. horror.)

4 things I want to do

  1. Finish writing two articles
  2. Start research for another
  3. Chart up some deadlines for submissions so I know I’m on track
  4. Investigate The Text Prize guidelines

Inspired by one of my earliest, and most popular, miscmum posts ‘Quieting the monsters… or how to feed your children

karen andrews

Karen Andrews is the creator of this website, one of the most established and well-respected parenting blogs in the country. She is also an author, award-winning writer, poet, editor and publisher at Miscellaneous Press. Her latest book is Trust the Process: 101 Tips on Writing and Creativity