She has become afraid of moonlight,
indignant at molecules
that have the audacity
to bounce off atmospheres and refract light
like show-offs
instead of being satisfied by dullness.

She believes the television without question:
Our sun will one day expire.
Ever since she regards
the firmament as being
in a conspiracy against her –
to keep her soul unsettled.

In such moments, all I can do is hold her
because I cannot help but feel the same way.

Beautiful Earth and Moon (NASA, Moon, 6/18/09)

photo: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre
karen andrews

Karen Andrews is the creator of this website, one of the most established and well-respected parenting blogs in the country. She is also an author, award-winning writer, poet, editor and publisher at Miscellaneous Press. Her latest book is Trust the Process: 101 Tips on Writing and Creativity