Yesterday afternoon I sat down with my designer friend who is typesetting Surprise! and we decided on the book cover. Over a few hours, she (with me sitting beside looking thoughtfully at her impressive Macintosh) set it up, saved it, burned me a copy, slipped it in a green CD sleeve and we were done. I took it home, gazing at it lovingly as I occasionally waited at the traffic lights to turn green.
I need to say it again: the book cover is done.
I couldn’t get the smile off my face. Right, things can really move along from here. It’s all real. It’s happening.
I came home and immediately showed it to my husband. My children also saw it and my son shrieked, “Surprise book!”
You’re wondering why I’m not posting a picture of it here?
All in good time, my pretties. All in good time.
The big unveiling will be very soon.
Suffice to say, yesterday was a good day. The perfect end to one which began with a rather self-conscious and rambling post. The absolute best antidote.