Adam: I made a Wiki at work today!
Me: Who’s going to read it?
Adam [deflated]: Only me and a couple other guys.
Me: Can anyone make a comment on it?
Adam [getting frustrated]: Wiki’s aren’t about the comments; they’re about the communal sharing of knowledge.
Me: Sure, within a social constructivist perspective. With Wiki’s, don’t you learn only what others have deemed it pertinent to know about a particular subject? What personal development is made? What higher cognitive state can be attained from that? How can it help your craft?
Adam [getting even more frustrated]: You’re thinking about your bloggingworkshopthingy aren’t you?
Me: Kinda. I like razzing you even more.
Adam: My Wiki really is awesome, you know.
Me: I’m sure it’s the best Wiki in the world.
Adam: Now you’re just being patronising.