The program for the blogging workshop comes out today and is open for enrollment.
Bloggers or techno-lovers out there mightn’t be aware that all of Federation Square is the biggest free Wi-Fi site in Australia. So if you’re planning on coming to my talk at the Melbourne Wrtiers’ Festival, hey, why not lug along your laptop too?!
For those who can’t come and are interested, I’m working on getting permission to get the session videoed. Haven’t heard back though yet.
I’m curious: what blogs do you consider are the best personal blogs out there?
These don’t necessarily have to be your absolute favourites, or the most ‘popular’ (indeed, I often ask myself why the ‘popular’ ones end up so praised); but the best in terms of the owner blogger’s depth, articulation, freedom of thought. They don’t necessarily need to reveal all and sundry about their lives, but what they do do is done in such a way that you walk away feeling like you know them. You don’t have to always agree with their opinion, either.
I think we all know though when we stumble across a personal blog that just works: where the design, words, photos, and layout all combine in a way that’s close to ‘perfection.’
What do you think? Which blogs work for you?