I’m Karen Andrews and this is primarily a personal blog that follows my many interests. I’m very proud of the legacy of this website – read more here – and constantly strive to make it better and do good work that helps others.
I was born and raised in the small town of Kempsey, New South Wales. I currently live in Melbourne, Victoria. I’m pretty open and think I shock members of my family by what I’m willing to talk about here. For example, I used to have an eating disorder; I have fibromyalgia and anxiety (GAD) and there have been a few more illnesses that are in their own way still relevant.
I spend far too much time on the computer and have done so ever since the 1980s.
I am a writer, but if I had a dollar for every time some snark has written to say, “You call yourself a writer? Don’t you know how to write a complete sentence? YOU’VE PUT THE APOSTROPHE IN THE WRONG PLACE!” it would be a nice addition to the coffee fund. I am very serious when it comes to my offline work, but this blog has always been my playground. And trust me – I cringe every time I spot a spelling mistake! Speaking of my offline work, you can read more about it here.
Hate mail and spam are deleted immediately. Just saying.
Part of my ‘Living List’ has a philanthropic goal – so if you’re interested in seeing how I plan on achieving it, and what I did before implementing this goal, click here.

Winner: 2017 Alan Marshall Short Story Award (local division)
Professional Me
“Writes evocatively” The Age (Melbourne) Magazine
“Karen Andrews’ reputation as a writer, editor and publisher precedes her” Books+Publishing
“Andrews’ style has an austerity and sophistication that suspends and transfixes you.” Kirsten Krauth
This page features a breakdown of writing highlights and achievements.
For media/journalists: this is my press and media page.