Friday Celebrations #11

This year-long Friday celebrations series is my way of documenting the good things that have passed my way during the week and being mindful of these, and more. I took this photo the other day at the kids’ school. I’m loving all the green that’s starting to appear around the place! It’s so cheery. What…

Friday Celebrations #10

This year-long Friday celebrations series is my way of documenting the good things that have passed my way during the week and being mindful of these, and more. With a brief appearance of sunshine and warmer temperatures this week, I feel hopeful that spring is, in fact, on the horizon. This is why I’ll indulge…

Friday Celebrations #9

This year-long Friday celebrations series is my way of documenting the good things that have passed my way during the week and being mindful of these, and more. Keira was invested into Scouts. (More badges for me to sew! Yippee!) Speaking of Keira, she has begun to read these: Well, not exactly, because these are still…