Our Cat: Reluctant Media Star

Last week I opened the front door to a rather handsome newspaper photographer on assignment to our house to get a picture of me for an article about Miscellaneous Mum’s inclusion as a Best Australian Blog finalist. I should say up front that this house has not fared well in the appraising eyes of other…

One Enormous Hint

So! It’s Mothers Day on Sunday. I’m sure you hardly need reminding, but I’m here today to do just that – in an adorable, endearing way, obviously. That’s the tone I write all my posts in, isn’t it? (Don’t answer that.) Anyway, I’m here to advocate ease and convenience when buying presents and what better…

A Birthday of Near Kardashian Proportions… Well, It Could’ve Been

My request to keep this particular birthday low-key seemed to have been noted until the other day when Keira announced she would like a three-tier birthday cake. She’d even drawn her ‘concept’ of what she wanted this cake to look like: “Honey, that just isn’t going to happen. No way, no how.” “Why not?” “For…