This Is How I Shall Remind You

In years to come, as you look back, I daresay we will have to remind you that your father took the day off work to help prepare for the parties (yes, plural) we were to have that evening. After all it’s not every day a royal wedding coincides with your birthday. First we partied down…

Caption This

Adam: What? Can’t I lie here and enjoy my long weekend break without someone jumping on me? Karen: Boy, you sure are comfortable. Wait – I spy someone with my iPhone. Riley: Boy, you sure are comfortable. Whee! Lego! Keira: I’VE GOT THE IPHONE. PROCEED TO TAKE DOZENS OF BLURRY SHOTS.

When I Think of Easter…

Easter Sunday has always been a slow morning. As a child, you’re excited weeks leading up to the blissful moment when you open your eyes to see if the Magical Bunny has arrived. You gorge on chocolate and then spend the rest of the day rubbing your stomach. When I was younger, granted, I also…