Honey Flowers

These flowers, whatever their Latin name, grow on the boundary of Keira’s school. They’re honey flowers, she told me one day. You suck the sweetness out. Everyone does it. She anticipated my objection It’s not dangerous, try it. So I did, one fine day in the holidays when we were visiting the playground I turned…

Post #3,705

About two months ago I found myself in a sound-proof chamber, the size of which would’ve given Houdini a challenge to escape; though I suppose it was an improvement to the one I was in previously with prison cell dimensions. In this newer chamber I could rub my cheeks against the bumpy egg carton-like padding in…

Why I love my husband, reason #8932

He might be bored and want to be elsewhere, as we wait for the kids to finish playing at the park, but at least his doodles in the tan bark remain happy.