It’s the blog’s fourth birthday. Yes, four years ago today it began in modest fashion with a post talking about Keira painting out on the back deck. How she’s grown, how we all have. But I’m not celebrating – I’m saving that for tomorrow (and it will be fun). It just doesn’t seem right because…
Back in June* I took the kids to see the Titanic Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. I was hoping the place would be nice and quiet because it was a school day (except for Keira’s, who were having a pupil-free day). I was wrong. Luckily, we’d booked ahead to go in the earliest (10am) session,…
Fact: I feel less impervious to a winter sky when I’m sitting in a car that works – as opposed to one that’s broken down.
1. Studying Yes, really. I have always been a fan of learning, making progress, discovering something about the world I mightn’t otherwise have discovered. It fires up my brain: just like other muscles, when used, it becomes more efficient and responsive. I took advantage of this and started writing notes for my next picture book….
I protest vehemently whenever the cat comes to sleep at my feet while I read in bed at night, but in truth … I really don’t mind. ****** If you recall what I said the other day about August being a bad month – well, it’s also turning out to be a nexus for things…
… then to be dressed like another*. He’ll be dyeing his hair white-blonde next. I wonder who else does that around here? (Erm. Never mind… {I exit stage right…}) *By my husband. A big kid himself. The jacket is mine, though.
As far as my son is concerned, you have never have too many marshmallows with your home made babycinno.
As I walk down the hill to our local strip of shops, I stop to marvel at the garden of one of our neighbours. Since when have their plants grown so tall? Have I been blind? I’ve been walking past every other day and not noticed. Recent rain has obviously kick-started an anticipation of spring. This…