Riley left me a heart-shaped leaf on my bedside table. Cute.
I think she’s going to take after her daddy*… …and not me! * Adam sat down and painted that in ten-or-so minutes. No pencil sketches first – just from head straight to paper. (Paper stained with god-knows what.)
Such strenuous living, I just don’t understand Frank N. Furter, The Rocky Horror Picture Show At 1km: Oh, shit. What have a gotten myself into? I’m being passed on every side. It’s still dark. At 2km: Hello Domain Rd, hello Toorak Rd West. You’re sure pretty. Can I walk yet? No-one else is walking…
And that question is: What’s Karen’s been painting? Or: What’s Karen been trying to paint? Just your typical lounge room. Tweetdeck open in the background; television off (for once); and…oh, yes, my picture, most inconspicuously placed on the floor. I bet you’re just dying for a closer look aren’t you? Well, sure, I can… …
Image source: Heather Katsoulis Melbourne is cold and windy; the wind is probing its way through the floor vents and the cracks in the windows as I type. Mum is still here and her help has been invaluable this week – saving my proverbial bacon etc. Did I get my work done? Of course…
My mother arrived this morning for a visit during these school holidays. Hooray! I was – and hopefully still will – going to use the time to knock over some work I’ve been needing to get done, however there’s only one place for me today. Bed.
I lay diagonally across the bed, sweeping the mattress with my feet, searching for differing pockets of temperature – sometimes hot, sometimes cold. The curtains are open, revealing a crisp, lung-shrinkingly cold winter’s day. When I nap during the day – on the odd occasion I allow myself the luxury – I usually keep the curtains open….
If an award existed for ‘Toughest Mother-Effing Dandelion on Earth’ then this one would win hands down. It took Riley at least half a dozen blows to even start dislodging the seeds to the wind.
Riley’s preschool has a tradition of celebrating winter solstice, which I find utterly charming.