Preschool formal pictures

Notes: 1) That is Riley’s first ever tie ($10 off ebay!) 2) He arrived at the party with a bandaid across his bottom lip. It seems he wanted to try his hand at shaving before we left home, just like dad does… 3) All the kids were so gorgeous as they danced the ‘Tic Toc…

My new dress

{As you’ll see, this post is largely derived from the past week of different status updates on Twitter. Which is ironic really, as this blog was supposed to be my diary of sorts; the written chronicle of the ins-and-outs of my life. However that mantle is gradually being taken by Twitter. Is this bad? Lazy? Or neither?…

On (almost) being 31

This post should start with a story about hair-dye. Then again maybe it should start with something about death. But death talk is hardly original and, chronologically speaking, the part about the hair-dye comes last. So let’s talk first about age. ******   In two months, I will be thirty one. This time last year…