Last night at 5.30pm I ran into a low-impact exercise class late and flustered. Throwing down my towel and water, I joined in as best as I could, trying to find a free spot on the crowded floor. Less than 15 minutes later I was clutching my head, scrabbling at my stuff, and made hasty…
All the new fathers out there could do worse than to listen to the advice of my husband. Your lives don’t have to change! Oh no! Just look at what Adam managed to achieve each time we had a brand new baby in the house… Watch TV (with Keira) Play World of Warcraft (with Riley)…
When I was a child I often wondered if cars got sad when they were left out in the rain. After all, humans don’t like it much so why should cars? I used to watch the water dribble away from underneath the engine and consider it to be the bleeding wound of neglect or unfair…
The stage is set. The floor is cleared of all obstacles; toys have been flung into the dark recesses of the cupboard. We are ready. It is showtime. Even the cat watches from the doorway. Her tail twitches with anticipation. Keira and I sit on our bottoms, an eager audience. My son sidles and jigs…
Following on from yesterday… “Mr Squiggle show is funny. with Miss Jane Gus the snail and Bill the steam shovel. Gus the snail is cheeky. He wants to be the boss of all Australia.” Now this about the best photo I can get of Gus the bossy, self-centred snail who (I suspect) Corey Worthington derived…
Moving on from last week’s scathing rant against boring public speakers here we have my favourite televisions shows from the 1980s (again, still haven’t put a thumb on it but I think we’re in ’87 or ’88. Maybe ’86?) In my opinion Voltron, Its a Knockout, Mr Squiggle and Playmates were the best. The first…
While I fear it would be disastrously premature to announce anything just yet, let me tease you all just a little bit by saying that soon – if things go to plan – life will be getting very busy. Exciting, challenging, and meaningful. I’ll tell you when I can. {NO I am not pregnant. A…
Right – so this has been a hard week. Breath a sigh of relief, folks. I won’t be talking about it anymore. I got what I needed to off my chest. Today, I thought I’d bring the fun back in. To introduce the piece, here’s my author biography from this year’s Emerging Writers’ Festival: “My first…