It’s the end of my world as I know it

…because this bag contains a two-room, 6 sleeper tent. Adam has decreed that we will begin camping. As a family. Outdoors. With the mosquitos. I am thrilled. Obviously.

Filtering through unfiltered thoughts

Those of you who’ve had a migraine before might be familiar with the residual feelings and emotions that linger on after the pain subsides. Or at least they do with me. It feels like my brain is a computer that has had all its data files corrupted and there’s a petulant IT man with a…

The migraine

My feeling poorly went from bad to worse Tuesday night. I went to bed with a headache forming and I woke up at around midnight with the urge to vomit and every beat of my heart sent spasms of pain across my forehead; it literally thrummed with my pulse. I knew right away what it…