Nothing says “Life Bites Back At Absent Mother” more than having my daughter getting sick this week, nay, at the very hour of our reunion in the city on Sunday. With all the Swine Flu flyers plastered up over the public toilets in the city, I admit I got a little paranoid, but no fear,…
Back in March, Keira was promoted a level in her gymnastics class; a class I’d secretly been hoping she’d be put into because it was in the ‘Big Person’ gym, seemed all fancy-like, and I guess I saw an excuse for me to put on my “WARNING: EXTREMELY BRAGGARTY PARENT” bumper stick on the back of…
A nice companion picture to this. In decades to come, when I’m sure my children will accuse me of some parenting failure or another, at least I’ll be able to say, “Well you can’t say I* didn’t expose you to a bit of culture.” *I say ‘I’ but really the thanks goes to my friend…
This is our next door neighbour’s tree. I can’t be sure, but I suspect it is either a Japanese or Canadian maple? What I am sure about is how I adore the colour it turns in autumn and how too soon the leaves fall off. Look, you can already see naked branches at the top….
Right. So. This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a while, if only to set straight in my own head what we’re going to do next year with Keira: specifically, which primary school will we send her to? And oh, lordy. What a Pandora’s box opens. I first suspected this would be a…
The spectacular lack of intelligence – and examples thereof – of our cat will have to wait for another day. Suffice to say at the moment with the kind of squeezing it gets from my son and daughter, I think we can put the deficiency down to a lack of oxygen to the brain.
If I was to do another “What I’m reading this week” kind of post, this is what I’d put up: Let’s see, what have we there? A children’s classic; an adult’s classic, two Frank (Mr. Postsecret) Warren’s, a recent Australian classic and a book about France. This is what they all look like, though, before…
One of Keira’s recent birthday presents was a fold-out camping chair. In an attempt to guilt (or shame) us into actually taking her camping – which will be difficult as our camping gear in total is that chair alone – she now takes that chair out onto the back deck and just sits there, staring…