Category: Family
Finding the ‘meaning’ in the ‘something’
“I was saying to a group of women the other day that I feel that my children have simultaneously made and destroyed my life.” When I read these words by Rachel yesterday, I gasped. I gasped because that’s what I’ve been thinking all week; or suspecting, at least, deep down, quietly. I’m sitting here typing…
“Look, mum! Australia!”
Keira said those above words after she took her first bite out of a cheese sandwich yesterday. And, by gum, I think she’s right. See?
The Tower of London; 19th September 1995.
Up until I was sixteen years old I saved every penny I earned at my job at McDonalds in order to travel overseas between when year eleven stopped (Term 3) and I believe the HSC (final year) ‘technically’ began (Term 4). Mum and dad helped with the fare too, frankly I think because they were amazed…