Keira trying out her (early) birthday present. Riley on his birthday present Throwing the frisbee – one of Adam’s favourite things to do. Keira climbing confidently. Me – nursing a slight hangover.
Again, on ANZAC Day, we will remember them and think of those still in service throughout the world today. Stay safe.
I’m feeling a bit poorly this week. I have a headache that refuses to budge and withstands all the codeine I can safely take. So instead of doing anything of much worth, I have been watching YouTube clips. Yes, fine, okay, Susan Boyle occasionally, but mostly clips from the 10th anniversary Les Miserables spectacular because I am…
“What shall we do this weekend?” “I don’t know. What say you?” “We could organise our linen cupboard. Now Johanna Griggs has showed us on Better Homes and Gardens how to fold our fitted sheets we have no excuse for it to be so unkempt. We can get everything all tucked up into the pillow…
Our chili bush is still going quite well. What Riley is holding may look like a green chili (or a red one picked before its time), but in fact it is a very sad capsicum. Ours don’t grow any larger than this before they shrivel up and die. Note Riley’s famous bottom lip; jutting out…
Yesterday afternoon I was lucky enough to be left alone for a few hours in order to work. This mostly involved collecting my thoughts and re-reading the notes and manuscripts of the novels I intend to set right to – hopefully – publication one day. In this time I sat happily at our kitchen table…
This is Riley’s balloon from his McDonalds birthday party. His birthday party that was almost five weeks ago. Normally I pop balloons as soon as the kids lose interest in them. (I know, I’m horrible in that respect. I don’t even let them blow bubbles with dishwashing liquid.) (I am joking.) (Except about the popping….
“Effective use of details, more than any other single factor, distinguishes publishable manuscripts from those that have a good story line but somehow ‘aren’t quite right for us.’ ” Nancy Kress, Beginnings, Middles and Ends My head is full of book at the moment. These ones. I will explain the reasons and causes later in the…
(For the family, there are more pictures here) I hope you had a lovely Easter.