I regularly have ABC2 on of a weekend afternoon. There they replay shows I usually miss during the week or recycle shows and music from the vaults of yore. Such was the case last Saturday afternoon when they were playing classic 80s music videos. I was pleased to hear the introductory banjo strumming of “The Rainbow…
It’s all toilet talk in our household at the moment. I’m going to blame preschool here, but not in a damning, brimstone kind-of way; more of a brace yourself for we are entering older childhood! reality. It was inevitable. If not at school, then via the park, or The Simpsons, or even just putting an ear to…
I chew my fingernails. I do more than chew my fingernails; in fact, I chew back the skin, peel it backwards, much in the same fashion as you would de-skin the cap of a field mushroom. I continue until the skin breaks off, or begins to hurt. Many times it bleeds. It usually stings. I…
Not the best one ever – but certainly not the worst either. Not that Riley would really know either way. He likes his frosting with a serve of cake: he licks off the top and he’s pretty much done.
The smallest boy in this photograph is my father. Mum says it makes her smile because my grandmother has her hands on his shoulders: just keep still for the camera! She can hear her saying the words. Stand there for just a moment! Don’t waste the film. We all do it with our wriggly children,…
1. Imagine a warm Saturday Melbourne afternoon in March plus, 2. a visit from one of my oldest girlfriends as we 3. consume an iced and crisp glass of champagne, 4. talking about old times and our pets, before we 5. play a game of Buzz! Quiz TV on the PS3 (where I win) Celebrate the…
I could go on about the deliciousness of my daughter here, or how she was already walking (at 10 months! Surely a Genius!) but no. I look at this photo and think how young I look. Which I was, kinda. Going through old photos makes me clucky again, which might be why Adam recommends I…
We’ve just finished a lunch of toasted cheese; mine dribbled with hot Nandos sauce. It’s quiet – obviously Riley’s preschool day. “What are we going to do?” I ask. “Just you and me. Girl time.” Keira shrugs tiredly. “I don’t know.” “We can stay here or go out for a little while.” “Can we go…
So I made a resolution to watch more movies – ‘good’ movies, that is. I haven’t rented/hired any lately, but the other day when I was in the library it must’ve been my lucky day as the shelves were full of DVDs. So I grabbed a bundle. All for free! Yippee. Let’s see, what did…