photo taken: 10.45am, fifteen minutes ago. Gastro is passing through our region like a horrible, vomit-strewn nightmare. Riley got a little dose last week, but nothing like what Keira and I copped on Sunday. We’re still in bed today, see? (Although, by her eating cake, you can tell things are on the mend. I’m sure Marie…
They are drawn to the sand as much as the water, fossicking among the treasures: garlands of ropy sea matter, shells and the odd gasping mollusc, probing its tongue around in the last moments of life, as if trying to determine where on earth it had landed. In their examination of nature’s detritus, I like…
If you’re on the M1 travelling south, you might be in a hurry to reach the lights of Sydney; going north, you might be off to the beaches of northern NSW. But to bypass the Central Coast is to risk missing out on its many delights. Even though I’ve been to the Central Coast many…
Almost there. The painting is complete! Behold! Before After Wall Colour: Deluxe Days Skirting: Banister White (I don’t think this is even made anymore, we had it leftover from last time) Before After (Note: the windows normally get that foggy when the weather turns cold. Don’t think they’re like that due to … ah ……
I started writing this post back last August. I’d just bought and read Sarah Wilson’s I Quit Sugar and, spurred on by the listlessness I was experiencing (as well as a dose of curiosity), I decided to take the challenge. A magnificent misjudgement of timing saw me quitting sugar right before my period was due, and if…
I love an Iced VoVo biscuit. And while these aren’t the Iced VoVos you might be used to buying in the supermarket, they do contain the essential elements of raspberry and coconut. Combine that with the deliciousness of melted marshmallows and voilà! You have s’mores. The kids created this recipe, I can’t even claim it…
As I alluded to yesterday, we now have new floorboards, thus finishing off the second half of the house. Goodbye carpet! Just like we did in 2011, we went away on a road trip holiday to visit family in NSW, leaving the builders and sanders alone to do their thing. It was very exciting to…
The following image was on Facebook a few months ago. It was re-posted or liked by a couple of my friends. They thought it was amusing. I did not. Am I saying it’s not funny? No, humour is subjective, after all. To deny or decry someone being able to find it amusing is not my…
On this day, 65 years ago, my grandfather and grandmother were married – in the same church Adam and I were also married in. Nan is recovering from her stroke in February, and was last week discharged from her rehab ward at the hospital to enter a care facility. It has been a stressful…