Every now and then I ponder the limits I consciously place upon what I will and will not discuss here. I don’t do this very often because, frankly, there isn’t much I won’t talk about. If I’m asked a question, I’ll answer it. If I have something to share, I share it. That’s just the…
So this was the post where in this place right here you would normally be seeing a massive pile of food magazines all fanned out nice and arty because this post was supposed to be about our food porn collection and not our actual porn collection because, boy, if you know how expensive that stuff is…
And that’s my son almost 18 months ago – doing a remarkable facial impersonation of his grandfather when he’s been served a surf ‘n’ turf out at a resturaunt and there is a decidedly smaller amount of ‘surf’ than ‘turf’ in his dish. Because if he suspects he’s missing even a single King Prawn, then…
I feel I need to make amends for the teasing of my husband the other day. Well, here’s a little story: We were at the mall on a typical bleak Melbourne winter’s day. What wasn’t typical was the absolute pouring rain, necessitating our taking an umbrella so we could get inside without getting soaked. Once we…
Adam: I made a Wiki at work today! Me: Who’s going to read it? Adam [deflated]: Only me and a couple other guys. Me: Can anyone make a comment on it? Adam [getting frustrated]: Wiki’s aren’t about the comments; they’re about the communal sharing of knowledge. Me: Sure, within a social constructivist perspective. With Wiki’s,…
Sick and pasty-faced. Most of these relate to that blogging course I’m putting together. The McCarthy is because I haven’t decided whether I like his writing yet more than I respect it (and there’s a difference). The Gothic one is a Foucault and Lacanian examination of Gothic Writing up until 1820 – which falls into…
It’s amazing how quickly your day can change. Sunday afternoon, Adam took Keira swimming. By 6.00pm, she was flushed in the cheeks, begging to be put to bed. As I did, her stomach unmistakably gurgled as she belched up a foul cloud of impending doom. I barely managed to get her to the toilet before the…
Update: a phantom post came through and shouldn’t have regarding The Dark Knight poll the other day. I set it to publish (why? I have no idea) instead of save. Sorry. I thought I grabbed it before it hit the feeds, and I didn’t. I did delete it here, though. So back to the other action… ****** As my mother…
I’m torn about the Olympics. I love the Olympics. Really, I do. The Sydney 2000 Olympics was one of the greatest pleasures of my life. It was a pleasure and a privilege to live there at the time, especially since we moved shortly after it had finished. But I don’t know…this year, I’m concerned for…