Going to be a bit busy over the next few days

This past week has been very busy with a few functions and goings-on that I haven’t yet mentioned here, and this weekend is going to be busiest of all. I have a feeling this’ll be my last chance of checking in here before my session at the Melbourne Writers’ Festival. I’d love to meet you if…

What goes down must come up again

Two weeks ago, when I was on the Gastroenteritis Diet, I lost 2 kgs (5-ish pounds). To celebrate, when I could finally eat again, I rewarded myself with ice-cream. A fair bit of it. Today, my jeans fit just as they did before I got sick. {I’m sure I could’ve written that better – in…

The Olympics are over, and I am sad

I’m so pleased the Olympics went off relatively smoothly, because I was afraid they wouldn’t. As I watched these games it occurred to me just how little I remember of Athens in 2004. Those games passed in the understandable blur that any occasion would pass when you have a four month old baby and you’re a…