Here’s a photo Kelley asked me to take of my new shoes – and if there’s one thing one shoe-fetishist must do for the other, it’s provide full purchase disclosure 🙂 I apologise for the photo quality. It was taken on our webcam because our other one is still busted.
During the week my mother was interviewed by her local paper regarding her involvement in the World Youth Day celebrations down in Sydney. This is a rough transcript of the phone conversation which occurred between us after said interview: Her: “I quoted your blog!” Me: “You did? What bit?” Her: “It was your ‘vibrant Catholic‘…
This seemingly innocuous bottle of honey caused quite the stir in our marriage last week. You see, I despise these cleaning-disasters-in-wait; my husband on the other hand thinks that because it is a supposed ‘innovation’ in the way we spread this condiment over our bread that it must – nay, it is – even better…
I may still cough like a consumptive when the cold wind hits my chest – something which happens quite frequently in this draughty house – but on most other health fronts I am finally on the improve. Enough to carry one child on my hip and have the other glued to my free hand as we…
The other week we purchased a Remmington home-haircut kit, complete with powered clippers, capes, brushes, combs etc. to satisfy my compulsion to prove, yet again, that I am a tight-ass when it comes to money; because I figured that we could pay back by Christmas what we save by cutting Riley’s hair at home, rather than…
Lee, this one is for you 🙂 [Mmm…man-hair chest. Yet another reason why I married my husband.]
Sydney is whipped up in a vibrant, Catholic* frenzy this week on account of the Pope being in town and World Youth Day. A news report was just on giving an update on the fesitivities. The footage showed lots of kids running around, waving flags and banners and such. “Look mummy, it’s a great big circus!”…
If anyone wants to know, four months of near consistent lice treatments WILL nearly destroy the condition of your child’s hair. Keira’s had gotten to the point when it would just break beneath my fingers. So I decided drastic measures had to be taken; if I cut it short, we can ‘start anew’, so to…
This is our new television. In order to accurately depict the size of the screen I have put one of the kid’s kinder surprise toys in front to give a sense of scale. The toy is supposed to represent planet earth; for in my mind, this new set is bigger than the WORLD! It hurts…