I have always felt rather at home on a university campus. All the ones I’ve ever been to look pretty much the same – sad concrete boxes with brown glass windows; the gardens surrounding them, if there’s a budget for gardening to start with, always offer a stark contrast back upon their inorganic, decrepit neighbours….
You know Season 10 of Top Gear? The episode where the boys are in Africa? The bit where they set to their cars with sledgehammers so as to lose chassis weight to cross the sand flats of Botswana? You remember that part? My son did – when he found a hammer in the garage the other morning……
I’ve been thinking of a new moniker for my Miscmum header – you know, just in case Doctorow and I don’t pan out. Don’t worry, we will, fingers crossed, but here’s the alternate: “Here be the last blog on earth that hasn’t discussed Wii” Which could work, until, well, you realise that by discussing it…
The other night, Keira and I were sitting on the floor playing a board game. Riley ambled up to us and leaned against me. Putting his hand around the nape of my neck, he massaged it lightly as he watched the game unfold on the floor. He nuzzled closer, bringing his arm tighter in around my shoulders…
She crawls into my lap and asks, “Tell me about when you were little.” And I reply, “I used to only play with trucks and blocks, never dolls. I used to love to eat the jellied top off tinned ham and watch grilled cheese cook in our old stove on the far wall of the…
So, we’re back to lice again. I’ve been putting off writing this one for a while. What’s it been? Two months? Three? No, four months. Four months of on-and-off hell. I will get rid of them for a few weeks and then they’re back again. Twice I took Keira in to the hairdressers to get her…
My sister is staying with us for a few precious days; days where I might actually be able to claim some mental health time and get out for some air and do some book-related jobs on my own. This is a rarity and I cherish the opportunity immensely. That’s not to say that we don’t…
…is me. So the dentist last week fixed up the dodgy tooth, but my jaw was still painful. Very painful. Then I noticed my left jaw ‘clicked’ whenever I opened my mouth or ate food. So I thought maybe I should go to the Doctor, because it’s not like I’ve seen him enough lately to…