Lying in bed, discussing Rhys* from So You Think You Can Dance: [*PS: Yes I KNOW he’s gay, people…My brain doesn’t care!] Karen: I wonder if I could ever win him back over to the girls’ side? Adam: {Insert non-plussed grunt in reaction to my odd choice of pillow talk} Karen: It makes me a little…
Tuesday morning, I was ready for a battle. It began when Keira decided to throw a tantrum because Riley was wearing one of her (many) jackets. This was on the way to her regular dancing class. In a nice punch, as we were in the MacDonald’s carpark (mumma needed a coffee hit), I spied not…
The rain falls, kissing the guttering outside my window, making that special metallic smack smack sound. It has just lulled my two sick children off to sleep and I have retreated to my own bed, to blow my nose, read some Helen Garner, and generally wish away the time until I also feel better. Time, though,…
Please go on over to Kim’s today for a look at this week’s Surprise! update. As you are enjoying her fine colours and interesting insight into the artist’s process, I will be over here, wringing my hands over the state of the household and the fact that the weather has turned COLD! and I have…
Awful, isn’t it? In fact, words can barely describe the hideousness. Look at the chewed off edge; except it wasn’t chewed, it came out of the packet like that (so Keira says). Then there’s the chocolate thats bleeding through the rice paper like the blackheads I used to sport when I was working at Macdonalds….
For the past eleven or so months you’ve been telling people, “I’m almost four!” and I suppose I have been the spoil-sport when I pipe up, “Not for a while yet, you’re not.” Then, since Christmas, I’ve had to start admitting that, yes, it’s not far off now, is it? What would you like? A…
Karen happens upon suspicious little brown substances on the floor. She gently picks one up and smells it. “Ah, good!” she says to herself, before going over to the bin. Her husband overhears, and looks over. “That should be chocolate.” “Well, I know it is now.” “What disturbs me is that you smelled it when it could’ve been…
Both kids are fighting over me. Because they are sick, their desperation is of a particularly sweaty and snotty kind. Both tug, grab and yank at my bathrobe as they fight to see who will be granted my attention, and therefore my love, first. “You now know what it feels to be rock star,” says my…