I’d like to thank: Jean Luc Picard Crazy Trace Crazy Meezer Jen Rene Bettina Lightening Jeanie Meg Christina Janet For your kind words on my new haircut. Almost a week later and I’ve only wet it once. I was too scared to lose all the styling and product the hairdresser put in there – with…
Sunday, 6.15pm ABC has been playing all day (a first, truly). The kids are being kids. So: LOUD. Karen, cracks it: “Gosh, PLEASE, keep it down. The Movie Show is on. Why can’t you let me enjoy ART?!”
Remember we were all ready to move? Well, the move is off. Fate was, in her indomitable way, against us. In sum, let’s just say: We made an offer to the real estate. They rejected it. Then two days before the set sale date they rang me back and said, “Well, HANG ON. Maybe we…
This is what I looked like (more or less) yesterday. This is what I look like now I walked through the door terrified someone was going to say I looked like Sally (“Brown Football Helmet” – except I’d be blonde) Field. No, instead Keira runs up and says, “Mum, you have a marshmallow head!”…
I recently wrote a poem. That is a big statement from me, who has never in her life written a poem where I was reasonably satisfied with its ultimate clarity and content. Alas, I cannot put it up here as it has been entered in several competitions; but in the poem there is a moment where…
Sitting in a park on a late Sunday afternoon, the southerly wind quickens, skirting the edges of the plastic, novelty tablecloths of the birthday party table. The clouds gather, not ominously, more curiously, around the near horizon. We all gather our collars round our throats. Luckily, I am nursing my son. My friend, sitting next…
Friday 8.30pm “…And that’s all we have time for on Better Homes and Gardens this week. We hope we’ve inspired you to get stuck into painting or some other project around the home this weekend—” “Oh, sod off Johanna,” I say. “I’ll be lucky if I sweep the fish finger crumbs off the floor.” ****** I think I’m going…
Can you believe that Australia’s Funniest Home Videos REJECTED this? Well WE think it’s funny. This was 22 month old Keira at 6pm on a day she hadn’t napped. The Simpsons were coming on, hence us whispering that as an incentive to stay awake but, nup, she was gone. Excuse our sniggering at the end…