Whoa. I needed that.

Yesterday, at Riley’s two year check up with the Maternal Health Nurse, she asked me if he had shown any signs of interest in toilet training yet? I tell ya, I’m still laughing over that one.

Having a movie cull

As I’ve been saying over this past week, we’re having a big clean-up. The other day I came across our old VHS collection hidden at the back of the cupboard. So the question is: do we chuck these out or keep them? I personally don’t like buying DVD replacements when there’s a perfectly functional video lying…

In our heads, I think we’ve already gone

I did the math the other night and worked out that with the exception of my childhood home, we’ve lived in this house for longer than any other I’ve ever lived in. You’d think that six-plus years would tie you to a place more than it has, and two/four/six months ago I would’ve agreed with…