A scintillating Valentines Day dinner conversation

“I’m tired.” “My bowels aren’t happy tonight.” “My back hurts.” “No, really, I’m very gassy.” “I’m sick of siting down for so long. Who sits at a dinner table for two hours?” “My tummy isn’t happy either.” “You said that already.” “No – I am actually describing another anatomical part of my body.” “People are…

Apology Day

This morning I sat in front of the television and had the children next to me. “Why are we watching this?” Keira asked, bored. “Because this is a very important day. You see, we have white skin and in the past people with white skin weren’t very nice to the people with dark skin who live here. But today,…

WW – Big Bed Time

The other weekend we set up Riley’s ‘big bed’. His cot is a convertible kind that (supposedly) was straight forward to convert. I had my suspicions it mightn’t be so easy. So we set ourselves up and got comfortable… …and dad got frustrated when there were set-backs and mistakes: No shots! Go away!  But we…