It seems Keira is now the matriarch of the clan. You see, in the mornings, I put out a bowl of cereal for Riley to eat. He will not touch it. Instead he waits for when Keira goes to the cupboard, “Would you like a cruskit, Riley?” she calls, and he comes running, and they…
First timer blood-donor. I expected the volumes of paperwork. I didn’t expect the pin-prick to test my haemoglobin levels (silly, me). So as I held a bit of wadding to my finger, I waited for the machine to spit out my number. I felt optimistic; it had been ages since I’d been diagnosed as anaemic….
Keira was a toddler when Adam returned from the USA after a work-trip, brandishing Leapad Leapfrog paraphernalia. Keira, even then, had perfected the one-shouldered shrug, clearly conveying her feelings about the present: an astounding, “Meh.” My son, on the other hand, sometimes wakes up in the morning and seeks out his little computer-friend and I…
…The parents’, of course. And naturally, no one listens to us. I am still sick, and now – after he says I wiped boogers on him – my husband is also ill. So we’re a real joy to be around. Do the kids care? Nope. Keira just coughed in my face. Yesterday was a trial; of…
Baking is about the only kind of cooking I truly enjoy undertaking. I think because it is automatically categorized as extra-curricular and not part of the begrudging, everyday labour I normally do. Plus, naturally, I like to eat the end product. However I bake in a state of denial; part of me truly believes that what…
It’s 36.4 degrees as I write this and its expected to hit 42 degrees sometime this afternoon. So we are stuck inside, as the concrete is even burning my feet; and after a childhood of non-shoe wearing, that takes some heat. Plus, last night I came down with a cold. This screenshot was me, 15…
Paper Hat – Can’t have Christmas without paper hats! The trees are crying, somewhere… Someone’s husband reads this blog! You can’t see here, but the DVD blotted out by the shine is Hamlet! Booky Glory! The Mother Present to end all presents! Isn’t she so pink and pretty?
Keira: Mum, you’re wearing stockings today! Me: No, I’m wearing cut-off pants. Keira (rubbing her hands over my lower calves): What’s this? Me: They’re called leg hairs, darling. (That haven’t been shaved for about six weeks.) Did I mention it’s summer here? And I’m walking around like a Ent from the Lord of the Rings.
Note: This post was written last night Australian time. The other night, sitting with my laptop on my bed as I did my usual blogging ’rounds’, in the time it took to load Kerflop after I’d been to Her Bad Mother, I found a lump in my left breast. (Yes, the pesky, naughty one.) It had…