Category: Fashion

Packing Light for Overseas – Kids Version
Keira came along when I was shooting the video for last week’s post about what I will be packing for Europe (100+ outfits and they all fit in half a suitcase!) and asked if she could do one too. Of course I said, and this is the result. If you stick around to the…

How to Pack Light For Overseas: 20 Pieces = 100 Outfits
I’ve put together a fun little video today going over how we are going to be packing extra super light for Europe next month: 5 weeks, 4 people and only taking 2 regular-sized suitcases. Can’t be done? Au contraire! (I’m practising my French.) What 20 Pieces Am I Taking? 1 pair of blue jeans (jeanswest)* 1 pair…

Shopping With A Fashion Stylist
I was fortunate enough recently to be invited to tag along shopping with Jasmin as stylist Dayana Saliba showed us a little of the ropes when it comes to knowing what to buy for ourselves in terms of such things as colour, shape, material and much more. I accepted because, hey, I like to shop…