Ten things you mustn’t underestimate in your child

I had a (slightly) improved night last night, so time for something a bit lighter today. First, I think this is funny, last night on “TV turns 50”, when Mel and Kochie first walk out onto stage, Keira looked at Mel and declared, “Big boobies!”. I swear she’s obsessed. No woman is safe from her…

Courage, hear me roar

This is kind of following on from my “Why am I here?” post yesterday…thinking, thinking… Women are more courageous than we give ourselves credit for. If we’re mothers, we’ve already given up our bodies to gestate the life of another with the hope that this child will emerge safe and healthy. If you don’t have…

A nice surprise

Riley’s very unhappy today, so I’m doing all I can to help his painful teeth, but it’s just not cutting it. He’s had very little sleep and I’m about out of adrenaline. However, on a pleasant note, I got my first un-prompted “I Love you” from Keira today. I came in to get her up…