Christmas Card Challenge 2009 – complete!

I have just sent this picture in an email to family and friends – and a great many of you people. We tried to take a nice family shot yesterday afternoon (my sister is holding the camera), however the children were in their witching hour moods (yes, that still happens) and refused to cooperate. So…

A Ruined Catholic’s Christmas

We are at one of the bigger shopping centres to put our family’s contribution under the K-Mart Wishing Tree. I pull open the bag and hand one each to the children. Kneeling down, I explain what we are about to do. “We’re donating these presents to other children who don’t have much at Christmas – if anything at…

The countdown is on

As I type this the lawn mowers of the neighbourhood are a symphony of groaning engines, punctuated regularly by the sound of small twigs and stones split and crackle as they hit the blades. If I look up I can see dust rise in the wake of each yard’s master as they struggle to cut back their…