I was going to try. Really, I was. I was going take a photo of what holiday reading I’ve borrowed from the library. But the kids detected that I was trying to do something productive and decided to ‘help’. And my son’s boot in the camera lense was just one of his bright ideas. Eventually,…
Originally posted May 2009 It has been said that my favourite poet would often sit alone as a child and mutter to himself, “Alfred, Alfred, Alfred…” over and over in some sort of attempt to figure out the problem, the complexity, of self. His self. Goodness, don’t we all? We emerge from childhood into a fiery adolescence, then that…
This is one of my favourite photos from our wedding day. It is almost certainly the most candid one. We were walking back from having the formal shots being taken up on the headland; it was about a million degrees and I, for one, was looking forward to getting back to the guests, eating, loosening up my…
****** I have a lot of blog posts in draft stage at the moment. Some haven’t even made it that far, they’re still rattling away in my head, the poor, poor trapped words, and I suspect many will stay that way. So part of me feels like taking a moment to mourn the sentences and…
Thanks to everyone who sent me birthday messages on the weekend, either here or elsewhere. You all made me feel really special. It has been a bumpy year and I don’t think I would’ve made it without the support of many of you. So. To birthday loot. I was lucky enough to get the below…
This happy little cherub is turning 31 today and to celebrate I am going to get my hair all cut off and then dye what remains. Why? Because I can. By the way, don’t you love the rounded corners on the photo? Rounded corner photos are rather in at the moment, perhaps to give some an…
Something nasty happened on Monday. Specifically, something nasty happened to Riley. It’s going to be difficult to talk about the accident because it occurred during an event at a place I want to have a close relationship with over the coming years and I don’t think it particularly prudent – or necessary – to name names here….
These are my sneakers. Yesterday, Keira tied the shoelaces up all by herself. And practiced and practiced until her father arrived home so she could show him her new skill. As you can tell, she’s very proud. So am I.