A Ruined Catholic’s Christmas

We are at one of the bigger shopping centres to put our family’s contribution under the K-Mart Wishing Tree. I pull open the bag and hand one each to the children. Kneeling down, I explain what we are about to do. “We’re donating these presents to other children who don’t have much at Christmas – if anything at…

The countdown is on

As I type this the lawn mowers of the neighbourhood are a symphony of groaning engines, punctuated regularly by the sound of small twigs and stones split and crackle as they hit the blades. If I look up I can see dust rise in the wake of each yard’s master as they struggle to cut back their…

The year that was: 2009

So, 2009. The short version? It’s been pretty fucked up. ****** But that sounds so unfair, doesn’t it? Let’s try again. ****** So, 2009. Family Riley began three year old preschool and loved it. Truly and utterly. Then, like Keira, we had to make the decision whether to put him in four year old preschool or…